Friday, March 25, 2011

by Mike Hall, Mar 24, 2011

We all know that the Chamber of Commerce comes down on the wrong side of just about every issue that matters for working families. But here’s a staggering statistic to show you just how far out of the mainstream the Chamber swims.
In the 2010 midterm elections, the Chamber spent $32 million to elect their anointed candidates and 94 percent of that money went to candidates who are “climate deniers,” the people who think global warming, greenhouse gases and climate change are a left-wing plot. “I don’t need no stinking scientist to tell me about climate change, I’ve got Glenn Beck.”
This little nutty nugget comes from our friends at The U.S. Chamber Doesn’t Speak for Me, who point out that there actually is a method in the Chamber’s madness in funneling money to politicians who are certainly no friends of the earth.
Out of the 118 [Chamber] board members, at least 49 represent companies tied to fossil fuel use: oil, gas and coal, and related companies….Throughout its history, the Chamber has taken an anti-environmental stance, fighting to weaken clean air standards, opposing a hazardous waste dumping ban, working to diminish the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and lobbying against any national action on climate change.

Just yesterday, the Chamber announced it was rallying support for Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) bill to strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its right to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. As the “Doesn’t Speak for Me” site notes:
Not out of character, given the U.S. Chamber’s legacy of blocking any attempts to limit pollution or protect public health.
Click here for a fact sheet on the Chamber’s anti-environmental record and here for more about the Chamber Doesn’t Speak for Me, a campaign to show that the U.S. Chamber does not represent the voice of U.S. businesses on climate and energy policy. Nearly 1,400 large and small businesses and 32 local Chambers of Commerce have signed on.
For a more balanced look at the environment, jobs and the economy, visit the Blue Green Alliance here.

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