Friday, March 25, 2011

Ed Schultz Asks Who Is Standing Up for the Long Term Unemployed

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 07:00 PM PDT
Ed Schultz Asks Who Is Standing Up for the Long Term Unemployed Click here to view this media
While I don't agree with Ed Schultz for supporting what we're doing in Libya because I think we just put ourselves in another open-ended bottomless pit with what this military commitment might cost the taxpayers when we're not taking care of our own at home, I do agree with him and his sentiments in this clip. Republicans carp constantly about creating jobs, but they've done little to nothing to take care of the long term unemployed since taking power in the House.
Where are the jobs John Boehner? As Ed noted, the attempts by some of the Democrats to get unemployment benefits extended for the long term unemployed are likely going to come with the caveat of more tax cuts for their buddies in big business. And as Ed also noted, when is Boehner going to decide to take some time away from his golf game and start doing something in the House to create jobs here in the United States. I'd like to see all of our politicians finally standing up against the race to the bottom with us competing against sweatshop wages overseas.
The only jobs I see Republicans creating are ones where someone needs to work two or three jobs just to get by in the US, or a job by some foreign manufacturer where there aren't any labor protections and those people work for slave labor wages while their employers enrich themselves.

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