Friday, March 25, 2011

I’ve seen this movie before.

After the 1994 election, Republicans used the Speaker’s gavel to run roughshod over the middle class -- so long as it benefited their special interest backers.  Brenda, you hold the key to the powerful response we must show against the extreme elements in control of today’s Republican Party.

We are just days away from a major test of Democratic momentum. The first FEC quarterly deadline of the year hits on March 31st and the world is closely watching to see how we will respond. My friends at the DCCC have set a grassroots goal of raising $1 million to show the world our commitment to standing together against powerful special interests.

With the world watching, contribute $3 or more before Midnight on March 31st and a group of House Democrats will match your gift 2-to-1, tripling your impact.

Not since the dark days of the Bush Administration have we seen a Republican-controlled Congress that is so intent on pushing their agenda in Washington – protecting tax breaks for oil companies making record profits, attempting to roll back environmental regulations, and not only refusing to pass climate change legislation in any form but refusing to acknowledge that climate change even exists.

You are the key to putting Leader Pelosi and Democrats back in control of Congress so we can get serious again about solving the climate crisis, helping middle class Americans and making sure that America wins the future.

That depends on having a strong showing on this critical March 31st FEC deadline.

With the world watching, contribute $3 or more before Midnight on March 31st and a group of House Democrats will match your gift 2-to-1, tripling your impact.

Republicans rely on massive contributions from corporate special interests. But Democrats rely on your grassroots strength.

With all eyes on this critical first quarterly deadline of this new election cycle, let’s stand together with strength and unity to show the world how committed we are to putting Democrats back in control. More than ever, we need the help of grassroots supporters like you.

Al Gore

P.S. March 31st marks the first FEC quarterly deadline of the new election cycle. The world is watching our fundraising totals as a measure of our grassroots strength and ability to take on the special interests so we can win back the House for Democrats. Contribute before Midnight on March 31st and a group of House Democrats will match your gift 2-to-1.

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