Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunday, August 14 at 12:00am - August 15 at 12:00am


Planet Earth....This is a World Wide Event....Invite All of Your Friends!!

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You dont have to be anywhere at anytime to actually, "attend" this Event. Everyone can participate from anyplace in the World.

***IMPORTANT INFO BELOW *** Click "See More"***

The purpose for this day is simple. It will be a day for the entire population of the World to Serve and Celebrate Peace. If you live on Planet Earth, and you believe in the power of Peace you should Join us. We started this Event last Year, and ...had thousands of Members from all over the World participate....We hope to grow into the Hundreds of Millions this Year. There is No reason why this cant happen.

The only requirement for participation is that you commit a simple act of charity (or multiple acts of charity) between now and 8/14/11....And that on 8/14/11 you devote your day (or a portion of your day) to Celebrating the Power of Peace. How you Serve, and Celebrate is entirely up to you. There are No Rules :)

Many people ask, "Why should we only have One day like this?? Why cant Everyday be Peace Day"????

In an ideal World Everyday would indeed be Peace Day. That being said, the purpose of this day is to harness the unique Energy, and Positive Power that is created when individuals choose to come together.

On a Global scale if we all synchronized our efforts at exactly the same time we could create a Massive Wave of Kindness that would by its sheer size overwhelm even the most critical skeptics. We could Shine Light into the darkest corners, and Warm the coldest hearts. That is our only goal. Collectively we are Stronger than any force on the Planet. Collectively there is no limit to the amount of Good we can do.

There are no rules....beyond the simple requirement that participants spread Peace through acts of Kindness. These acts may be as big, or as small as you wish. The various Celebrations that take place on 8/14/11 may also be as large, or as small as you wish. You may wish to gather with friends and family in a small social setting, or you may take initiative to organize a larger event in your area. Chances are there is a public space near you where such a gathering may be created. Ideally it is our hope that individuals will take it upon themselves to organize and coordinate large scale gatherings in their area.

Technology permits us to organize, synchronize, and coordinate such events with astonishing ease. There is no limit to what we can accomplish if we all make the effort to come together. This Peace Day is for the People, and by the People. The shape this day takes can be yours to choose.

Thank you for your interest, and Please spread the word.

"There is no Way to Peace....Peace is the Way"

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