Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daniel Mintz, Political Action Daniel Mintz, Political

The protests in Wisconsin changed the game in America when it comes to workers' rights and standing up for the American Dream.
There's new energy out there and the entire labor movement has come together to keep the momentum going by calling for an unprecedented day of solidarity this Monday, April 4—the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination.
Progressives nationwide have stood up to join with the labor movement in overwhelming numbers. Already nearly 1000 solidarity events including rallies, teach-ins, work site discussions, vigils, faith events, and more are planned for the next few days.
The April 4 day of action is going to be huge, and the bigger the crowd at each event the better.
Can you join in? Click here to sign up for an event in your area:
This is our chance to show the nation that the spirit of the working people who rose up in Wisconsin is only spreading, growing, and getting stronger—but the day of the events, April 4, is also significant itself.
It's the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis 43 years ago. Dr. King was in Memphis to stand in solidarity with striking sanitation workers who were demanding their rights and their chance to live out the American Dream. And this week's events, under the shared name "We Are One," are our chance to stand up for the very same rights and the same American Dream. It is a grassroots effort being led by a broad coalition of unions and progressive allies committed to realizing Dr. King's goal of economic justice for all.
Yesterday, as part of the lead-up to this day of action, MoveOn Executive Director Justin Ruben and thousands of MoveOn members joined in a fast to protest Republican budget cuts that target the most vulnerable among us.
Poor and middle class Americans are under increasing attack. But more and more of us are standing up and fighting back. Will you join us and help show our strength and unity this week?
Sign up here:
Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Justin, Julia, Robin, and the rest of the team   

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