Saturday, April 9, 2011

Obama buys the Republican myth of CUTTING our way to prosperity.

John Boehner Terrorisit Threats to Shut Government Poops Diapie Image
A last-minute budget deal cutting billions in spending postponed the threat of Republican shut down of government until next Thursday… thus giving Obama more time to capitulate to GOP terrorist demands.
Clearly, rather than fight for Democratic ideals – say… like the ones that lifted us out of the disaster of the FIRST Republican Great Depression… The so-called leader of the Democratic Party has bought into to Republican meme that we can “CUT” our way to prosperity.  We cannot.
Look at history.  Economists attributed the economic recovery out of the first Republican Great Depression from heavy government deficit spending. From the time he was inaugurated, Franklin D. Roosevelt increased spending with programs directly geared to putting people to work and the economy recovered partially from 1933 until 1936 until he caved to a Republican Congress bloviating about an unbalanced budget, cut spending, and the nation plunged into another recession.
Watch Thom Hartmann explain how Republican polices created and prolonged the Great Depression:

Republicans believe that tax cuts for the rich and just plain CUTS for everyone else is the “remedy” for the economic disasters Republican policies create, not because it creates a vibrant economy and strong middle class, but simply because it is Republican dogma. 
The Republican answer to the problems caused by their love of deregulation will always be “more deregulation” just like their answer to the problems caused by unfunded tax-cuts for the wealthy will always be “more unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy.”
It doesn’t matter a whit to Republicans that David Stockman, the father of Republican “trickle-down” economics recently made the media rounds to tell the late, great American Middle Class something they already know – that Reaganomics was a abysmal failure.
Yet, Barack Obama capitulates to the same class war policies that got us into the mess to being with, promising nothing but more of the same widening of the gap between rich and poor.
It makes no difference that Repug policies are the lynchpin on which all the destruction is hung–their true goal is to maintain the Plutonomy. Period.
In their own private Republican apocalypse, a world where the rich run and own everything is not a problem because everyone else, as their hero Ayn Rand says, is a “parasite.

“What are your masses [of humanity] but mud to be ground underfoot, fuel to be burned for those who deserve it?”  She mused in the original version of her first novel “We the Living.
Never mind that Libertarian heroine and sociopath Ayn Rand herself sucked off the government teat, receiving Social Security and Medicare under her married name after being afflicted with cancer and finding out that “Doctors could cost an awful lot more money than books earn.”   Like cult members “praying” for their child’s diabetes to be miraculously cured, the American Working Class are likewise suffering a slow death that could just as easily been avoided if only we weren’t forced to submit to dead-end Republican ideology.
Fast forward 30 years and Ayn Rand’s disciple Alan Greenspan, rather than avert disaster, let the economy fall into a ditch for a second time in a century because he had an ideological aversion to regulating what he hoped against hope was his fantasy of a “free-market.”
So here we are, still living in the consequences of Republican ideology, and rather than re-frame the argument and fight to raise REVENUES by dare suggesting the rich stop partying off our backs and pay their fair share, President Obama boasts how the wonderful leadership of “both parties” came together and made a “compromise” containing “the largest annual spending cut in our history.”
With none of the “I feel your pain” empathy of Bill Clinton, Obama assured the Serfs of America that we will be further stretched to the breaking point, saying,  “Some of the cuts we agreed to will be painful – programs people rely on will be cut back; needed infrastructure projects will be delayed.”
So working people will continue to suffer while the rich ride into the sunset with the American Dream.  Well, that sounds like “HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN” – for Republicans.   Thanks Obama!

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