Sunday, April 3, 2011

One down! Seven Scott Walker Republicans to go.

Local Wisconsin Democrats submitted 100% of the signatures needed to demand a recall election of Republican State Senator Dan Kapanke on Friday. The news is sending shockwaves through the state -- and revitalizing those who are working tirelessly on gathering the signatures needed to recall the remaining Republicans senators.

Our new TV ad with our friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee is receiving widespread praise for capturing the energy and magic of the recall movement. The more the ad plays on TV over next few weeks, the more on air support we bring to the volunteers on the ground and help them get the job done. Can you contribute $7 right now so we can expand our ad buy through next week?

Watch the Ad and Contribute to Keep It On the Air
After the signatures are certified by local officials, a Recall Election will be scheduled for Republican Dan Kapanke's seat. Our ads are blanketing the airwaves in his district, driving home everyday why Kapanke and Scott Walker must be stopped.

But we're not just targeting Kapanke's district. Our ads back up the over 2,600 DFA volunteers still working hard in districts gathering signatures to recall the other seven Scott Walker Republicans.

We've raised almost $250,000 for the ad so far, we can expand our buy if we can hit $300,000 before the end of the weekend.

Please watch the ad and contribute $7 right now to maximize our impact next week.

This isn't just about Wisconsin. It's about the America we want to live in.

I know I can count on you to help deliver the resources we'll need to win. Thank you for everything you do.


Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America

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