Saturday, April 9, 2011

Palin goes on crazed Twitter rant that even her fellow wingnuts cannot support.

By Gryphen on 04/09/2011 – 9:57 am PDT
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Right before the big compromise between the Democrats and the Teabaggers Republicans last night, Sister Sarah was frantically tweeting her little digits off trying to stop any compromise from taking place. I imagine that she thought if the government shut down she could simply declare herself the “Queen of Everything” (Sorry Crissy.).  I know, UNBELIVEABLE isn’t it?
So last night while the grownups were trying to save jobs, and keep services available for the American people, Snowdrift Snooki was  twittering this:
GOP: don’t retreat! The country is going broke. We can’t AFFORD cowboy poetry & subsidizing abortion.
17 hours ago via web
Followed immediately by this:
If we can’t fight to defund this nonsense now when we have the chance, do you think we’ll win the big fight on entitlement reform later on?
17 hours ago via web
She is like some maniacal version of Chicken Little, “The sky is falling!  the sky is falling! And DAMMIT, I want it to fall!  Bwa-ha-ha!”
Of course as we know Palin was denied again (Bwa-ha-ha! Sorry couldn’t help it.), and the Democrats dutifully stopped struggling after the GOP finally agreed to put on a condom before screwing them over. (Now do you see why we need Planned Parenthood?)
After the agreement Sister Sarah’s tweets fell silent. One can only imagine where she vented her rage when she realized that her social media approach to influencing the outcome had fallen on deaf ears.
Of course as angry as that realization might have made her, just think how she will feel once she realizes that she was virtually all on her own while tilting at that Planned Parenthood windmill?
Courtesy of ABC News:
Notably, some of Palin’s fellow possible 2012 presidential contenders appeared to be at odds with her Friday evening tweet, counseling GOP leaders on Capitol Hill that it’s time to cut a deal.
“I am ready for a big fight that will change the arc of history,” Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., wrote on Twitter this afternoon. “The current fight in Washington is not that fight.”
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had this to say in an interview on Fox Business Network:
“Nobody’s more pro-life than me. Nobody. But as much as I want to see Planned Parenthood defunded, as much as I want to see N.P.R lose their funding, the reality is the president and the Senate are never going to go along with that. So win the deal you can win and live to fight another day.”
And then there was Newt:
“If they can’t find some way to work their way through this, they have much bigger problems coming down the road,” Gingrich added.
Just how batshit crazy do you have to be, in order for your fellow batshit crazy cohorts to say they simply cannot support your batshit crazy point of view?  I am going to go out on a limb here and say, “pretty freaking batshit crazy!”
I believe it is safe to assume that this is why Palin has recently hit bottom in terms of her support among Republicans. It has nothing to do with how she is portrayed by the so-called “Lamestream” media, it is that there is a level of irresponsibility and insanity that the vast majority of Americans, even dyed in the wool Republican Americans, are simply not willing to go beyond.
You can almost imagine the Grizzled Mama running out into the night with her nightgown flapping behind her to lead a charge on Washington, only to look back and realize that she is standing all alone in the dark.
And hopefully some day soon “all alone in the dark” will be the only place that Sarah Palin will ever find herself standing. As always I am working on that right now.

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