Sunday, April 3, 2011

Recall All Of THem

BREAKING NEWS: Wisconsin Democrats just announced that local activists submitted over 100% of the signatures needed to "recall" Wisconsin Republican senator Dan Kapanke from office!
After local officials certify the signatures, a new election will be scheduled for Kapanke's seat. Today's news is sending shockwaves throughout Wisconsin, and will give huge momentum to efforts in other Senate districts to gather recall signatures.
Now’s the time to flood the Wisconsin airwaves with more of our TV ads supporting the recall and pump energy into places where volunteers are still working hard to gather signatures. Can you help?
Click here to see our new TV ad -- and chip in $3 to keep the momentum going!
See the new ad that's inspiring people
Our new ad -- made with our friends at Democracy for America -- captures the magic of this recall movement.
We've raised $150,000 so far and can expand our ad buy when we hit $200,000. Click here to chip in $3 and keep the momentum going!
Thanks for being a bold progressive,
-- Stephanie Taylor, Adam Green, Jason Rosenbaum, Michael Snook, Amanda Johnson, and the PCCC team

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