Sunday, April 3, 2011

A special message from Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson

As one of the 14 State Senators who left the state to delay action on Scott Walker’s attack on worker’s rights, I thought nothing could surprise me. Then last Friday, just after speaking to 200 neighbors at a rally, we got more stunning news. Showing a dangerous disregard for the rule of law, the Walker Administration announced that it is ignoring a court restraining order and enacting the budget repair bill.

Although he later backed down, in the face of public opinion and several judicial rulings, Gov. Walker continues to launch attack after attack on workers’ rights and the middle class.

USAction and their local affiliate Citizen Action of Wisconsin have played a critical role in supporting our fight and working hard to get the truth about Walker’s agenda out to the public. USAction needs your help to keep up the fight.

Please donate now to help them keep spreading the word.
When Scott Walker first launched his assault on workers on Feb. 11, Citizen Action of Wisconsin was one of the first to reveal the dangerous provisions buried in his budget repair bill. USAction launched a new website that quickly drew 50,000 petitions supporting Wisconsin workers that many of you signed. Together the USAction family has revealed Walker’s veiled threat to use the National Guard against workers and run a state-wide radio ad on Walker’s connections to the Koch brothers, the now infamous oil billionaires.

Now, USAction and their local partners are leading the fight to stop Walker’s draconian budget cuts, and build a long-term movement to restore economic opportunity and rebuild the middle class all over our country. The last 2 months have woken up a sleeping giant in Wisconsin, and across the nation.

Donate Now
Thank you for all you’ve done these last 2 months. You have been a great inspiration to my colleagues and me.

Chris Larson
Wisconsin State Senator

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