Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why the Left will NEVER march in lockstep like the Right...Thank Goodness!

by Fai Borowiec on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 9:25pm

One of my friends, Bob Alberti, posted the following comment on one of  my threads.  I found it spot on, and wanted to share it with everyone.

Right-wingers have it much easier than us. They serve money and power, and money and power enable them. They have a single authoritarian goal, and they are not bound by ethics, morality, or decency in seeking their ends.

Progressives have the strength of diversity, but we lack the single goal of wealth and power. We seek variously justice, equality, ecology, education, and a selection of civil rights. It is very hard to get us all to agree to set aside our pet pursuits and seek the single goal of thwarting the authoritarian right.
Charismatic progressive leaders can sometimes do it for us, but our yearning for such leaders can be turned against us by charlatans. And once we find such leaders, the right (unbound as as they are by any moral considerations) tend to kill them.
However the right's greatest flaw is that they are so single minded, they end up sawing off the branch they're sitting on in order to harvest and sell one last tree. Inevitably right-wing ideologies, freed as they are from compliance with any reality, will implode upon themselves. If it weren't for the fact that this process can take generations and produce untold misery and suffering, we could just wait them out and then pick up the pieces.

Liberals/Progressives will not be forced to assimilate!

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