Monday, September 12, 2011

The Republican Party AKA The Anti-Science Party

In the survey from Yale, it showed that nearly 80% of Democrats believe Climate Change is happening and around 70% of Independents. The Republican Party stood at 53% who agreed, but Republican members who identify themselves as members of the Tea Party, the number is at a very low 34%. What is also shocking about the survey is that those 34% that are members of the Tea Party claim they are very informed about the topic. This is where we see a fundamental difference between people in America. Science is something that you can’t turn a blind eye too. As we grow not just as a country, but as a species, we have to move forward with science. Science helps us change and understand the world that we live in. When facts come out, you can’t debate them, the truth is the truth. These members of the Tea Party, who claim they are well-informed, get their news and information not from scientists, but from biased news outlets. As the Tea Party watches Fox News and listens to radicals like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, they are deflecting away from facts and logic and getting lost in a land of delusion. Republicans don’t like science, they consistently back away from it. Whether it’s relating to Climate Change or on other scientifically proven topics such as Evolution, they have become the anti-science party.
The radical religious right have taken over the Republican party, and when it comes to topics that interfere with their belief system they turn away from them no matter how strong the validity is. Republicans and the Tea Party have tried to do away with the public school system and one of the main reasons is to get kids into private schools were they can manipulate the curriculum and force their ideas of “creationism” on young minds while denying them scientific evidence and facts. Not all religious people think this way, even the Pope has been quoted as saying that evolution can’t be debated or denied. Most Catholics simply place “God” at the point of the big bang. Denying science and teaching children that the earth is 6,000 years old and was created in 6 days by an invisible entity in the sky is simply irresponsible and destructive.

No matter where you fit on the political spectrum, you can’t push away facts and science. Even Republican Presidential candidate and former Governor of Utah, Jon Huntsman, has stated that the Republican Party can’t back away from science. Science is the door way to a better future for all mankind and we as Americans and human beings can’t let radical politicians close the door in the face of our future.

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