Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An American Hero

PFC Bradley Manning has been in prison for over eighteen months, for allegedly releasing a massive cache of classified U.S. documents to the nonprofit organization WikiLeaks. These documents shed light on unethical and even criminal behavior on the part of the US and other governments. They reveal a profound and systemic lack of accountability and, in some cases, a chilling departure from the fundamental tenets of democracy. If Bradley is convicted of the charges against him, he faces life imprisonment, or worse, death.

People around the world are appalled by the US government’s handling of this case. Bradley Manning was held in solitary confinement for months on end, humiliated and treated in ways that most, including psychiatrists, legal scholars and human rights advocates consider to be torture. It is common knowledge that the Bush administration lied to start an atrocious and devastating war – a war that has killed over a million Iraqi people, killed or maimed thousands of U.S. soldiers and caused irreparable harm. A profound lack of integrity reaches to the highest levels of government: those who started this war remain free while others who attempt to expose these kinds of lies face penalties. We are committed to democracy – and we do not accept this.

Bradley Manning is a hero. We maintain that if he released these documents, then he is a whistle-blower whose actions under these circumstances must be defended. This young man’s case is a clarion call in dark times. At a time when the most powerful people on Earth are above accountability, and when citizens are systematically denied access to truthful information about what is happening in our names, Bradley’s case stands at the crossroads of legitimate democracies and their demise.

We stand with Bradley.

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