Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Democrats V Republicans - Update


Republican vs Democrat

A recent survey revealed that more people have confidence in the Republicans to solve our economic problems than Democrats.  The following information will beg the question....why?

The Democratic and Republican Parties are virtual opposites of each other.  There might be other reasons for voting Republican, but all of the economic reasons favor voting for Democrats. Regarding economic performance, the two Parties aren’t even close.

Recessions and Depressions

Republicans held the presidency at the onset of the last NINE (9) economic downturns, including the two greatest economic collapses in our history. 
1. The Great Depression: Herbert Hoover (Republican)  
2. Recession of 1953: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)  
3. Recession of 1957: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)  
4. Recession of 1960: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)  
5. The Oil Crisis: Richard Nixon (Republican) 
6. 1980's Recession: Ronald Reagan (Republican) 
7. 1990 Recession: George H.W. Bush (Republican) 
8. 2002 Recession: George W. Bush (Republican) 
9. The Second Great Depression: George W. Bush (Republican)  

Balancing the Budget 

President Clinton balanced the budget, giving the government a surplus.  Not one single Republican in either house voted for the balanced budget. Only 5 (five) current Presidents have governed with a surplus.  They were all Democrats



Debt Reduction  

Most government spending occurs automatically, without any action by the Congress or the President.  Since fiscal year 1957, the amount of debt held by the federal government has increased each year.  The ability to expand the economy has direct impact on the ability to bring about debt reduction. 

Sources always misquote these figures by giving balances as of December 31st. They should correctly be determined by fiscal year which begins October 1st and ends September 30th.

When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, with a projected 10-year surplus of $5.6 trillion. When he ended his term, he left a $1.3 trillion deficit, a debt that totaled $11.9 trillion.

President Obama assumed office with a debt of $11.9 trillion.  The debt presently totals 16.8 trillion.  The debt has increased $4.8 trillion under President Obama.

Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit by Republican Daniel J. Mitchell of the Conservative Cato Institute 

Barack Obama has lowest spending record of any recent president
You will often hear critics say that Bush left office with a $454 billion deficit.  That was the deficit at the end of 2008 (12/31/2008).  

Any calculation that begins when President Obama took office or at the end of 2009 is just flat-out wrong.  Here’s how it works...

The fiscal year is from October 1 through September 30th.  So a President governs for his first 9 months under the budget of the preceding administration. 

 At the end of the Bush fiscal year, September 30, 2009, the deficit was $1,417,121. 

President Obama’s first fiscal year, September 30, 2010, the deficit was $1,294,090.  The deficit went down! 

President Obama’s second fiscal year September 30, 2011, the deficit was $1,298,614

President Obama’s third fiscal year September 30, 2012, the deficit was $1,089,353

President Obama’s 4th fiscal year through March 31, 2013, the deficit was $600,484.

Source:  Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

Trade Deficit Goes Down, Budget Deficit and Unemployment drop 

The Debt Ceiling 

The DEBT CEILING has been raised 79 times since 1960; 49 times under Republican presidents and 30 times under Democratic presidents. 

Under Reagan the debt ceiling was raised 17 times in eight years
Under Bush the debt ceiling was raised 4 times in 4 years
Under Clinton the debt ceiling was raised 4 times in eight years
Under Bush the debt ceiling was raised 7 times in eight years
Under President Obama the debt ceiling has been raised 5 times in 4 years

The Federal Workforce
Reagan expanded government more than any modern-day President.  His was the largest non-military workforce in three decades.  The only president who had a workforce that surpassed Reagan’s was President Johnson’s, during the Vietnam War.  Reagan was in office during peacetime. If we combine the totals for all federal employees, including the military: Reagan began office with a total of 4,982,000 employees and ended his term with 5,292,000 employees.  

President Obama took office with a federal employee roster of 4,430,000 employees.  At the end of 2010 President Obama’s federal workforce numbered  4,443,000; that’s 849,000 fewer employees than Reagan, the advocate of small government!  Add to this the fact that President Reagan governed during peacetime, while President Obama inherited two wars.  

Federal Employment

Job Creation 

When it comes to job creation, the Democrats again do a better job than Republicans. From the U.S. Department of Labor;  data is listed from the best to the worst: 

Democrats held the White House for 28 years and created 58.7 million jobs.  Republicans held the White House 36 years and created 38.3 jobs.

Job History Since 1949, by Party
Source: zFacts.com

Since 1949, WITHOUT EXCEPTION,  job growth increased every time the Democrats were in the White House and decreased every time Republicans were in office.

Unemployment Rates

Since 1928 there have been 13 president, 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats.

Six of the seven Republican Presidents had unemployment increase while in office.  

With the exception of Jimmy Carter, who had the same unemployment rate when he left office as when he entered,  Democratic Presidents had unemployment decrease while in office. 

Under Republican Presidents,  unemployment increased in 7 of 9 terms.

Under Democratic Presidents,  the unemployment rate NEVER increased.

Source: DailyKos.com

Johnson 1966-1969  average unemployment rate of 3.7%.
Clinton 1994-2001 average unemployment rate of 4.9%.   
Kennedy 1962-1965 average unemployment rate of 5.2%.   
Nixon 1970-1977 average unemployment rate of 6.3%.   
Bush 1990-1993 average unemployment rate of 6.7%.   
Carter 1978-1981  average unemployment rate of 6.7%.  
Reagan 1982-1989  average unemployment rate of  7.3%. 

From:  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010
“....More than a dozen studies have been done comparing economic growth, unemployment, average length of unemployment, stock market performance, inflation, federal debt, and other economic indicators, during Democratic and Republican presidencies and congresses, and they all show stunningly better performance when Democrats are in power, than when Republicans are.”

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